
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dearest Baby Love

You are 5 weeks and 3 days old today! There are only 22 more days until we can tell your grandparents about you!  Your daddy said we can tell your grandparents about you when you are 9 weeks old!  When you get 9 weeks old we will get to hear your heartbeat! We are so excited!

Today is actually Mother's Day.  This time next year you will be here in my arms for this day.  I can only imagine how it's going to feel.  It is going to be a wonderful journey and you are going to be then end prize for completing it.  I can't wait to nuzzle your neck and breath you in.  I already want you in my arms and dream of the person you will grow up to be.  You are our miracle already and I can't wait to take this journey and finally have you in my arms at the end. 
I woke up early this morning and couldn't really go back to sleep.  I started thinking about you.  I wondered if you are going to be an early riser, like your daddy.  I can't believe you are already a boy or a girl.  I wonder which you are!  Either way you are going to be loved more then you will ever know.  You are already loved so much that every day I wake up surprised that I love you more then I did the day before. 

I love you, Baby Love.


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