
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tomorrow's the big day...or is it?

I never thought I'd do this but we've got family and friends all over and sometimes facebook just doesn't cut it! So, I figure this will be a better source of information for people, like my mom, who just refuse to get on facebook! So here it goes...

Well, Sprout is "officially" due tomorrow but I have a feeling she won't be here until sometime next week. Dr. Wicker didn't give us the best news at our last appointment...we weren't getting very far and we were to talk induction at our next appointment (on Monday the 18th). Although, hearing Sprout's heartbeat and finding out she's still perfectly healthy in every way always makes up for the "she's not coming anytime soon" speech.

I have to admit that I am getting pretty anxious. The not knowing part is the worst and is driving me a little crazy. Waking up every morning wondering if today is going to be the day Josh and I meet our beautiful little girl and then feeling the disappointment when we crawl into bed at night and she's still not here is getting more and more difficult as the days pass. I know, I know, she's not even overdue yet but that doesn't lessen my longing to have her in my arms this very second!

Her nursery is completely finished. Josh finished the last few touches in her closest last night ! I can honestly say her room and her furniture are beautiful! What makes it even better is that her daddy and Grandpa Reid made her crib and her changing table/dresser and her Grandma Reid re-upolstered our rocking chair (where I already sit and read to her) and her Mamaw and Papaw helped paint her room and her Aunt Jeana made closet organizers for her! Her crib bedding is on the crib and her baskets are on the changing table and her clothes are washed and put away and I can just stand there staring into her room anxiously awaiting that first officialy rock and change and nap...

I'm still feeling pretty good. I can't really complain. I have gotten to the point where I'm either going crazy trying to clean around the house or I'm on the couch because I've overdone it and need to put my feet up. My poor feet have gotten to the point where if I'm on them for more then 20-30 minutes then they start swelling and become "hippopotamus" feet (Josh and I have so lovingly named them that) and then I have to prop them. Also, my back has started KILLING me and the only relief from that is the bouncy ball or leaning over in the shower and having the water hit that one certain spot or Josh digging into my back...all of which require me to be on my feet (more or less) and so after the back relief efforts I'm back on the couch propping up my hippo feet! It's quite the cycle but like I said before I can't really complain. We've had such a great pregnancy and I am so very thankful for it.

So now, we wait....I honestly think the Lord is preparing me and Josh for parenthood...patience you two, patience....

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