
Saturday, February 6, 2010

2 weeks old today....

I can't get over that our baby girl is 2 whole weeks old today! It feels like the time is whizzing past me and all I want to do is reach out and stop the clock...if just for a little while!

(will post a 2 week picture here later when I'm less tired)

We've had quite the day today! We ventured out of the house because Trinity church had a birthday/baby shower for Teagan so we made her first trip to Grandma and Grandpa's and Mamaw and Papaw's house today. The shower was great but not a lot of people were able to show up because of the weather but we got a lot of great stuff that we're excited about! I definitely have some Teagan laundry to do next week! She did quite well but the excitement wore both of us out since we're pretty used to just hanging around the house all day with just each other until Daddy gets home.

Teagan was really excited about seeing Josh's sister, her Aunt Livy today! She can't wait to see and meet her Aunt Kristina and Uncle Matthew! We all hope they can dig out of the snow soon and come see her!!

Well, I've left about a million details out right now and might come back and post more later on but for now I'm tired, Teagan's waking up from a nap and it's feeding time!

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