
Friday, March 26, 2010

Thankful Friday

I've decided to turn over a new leaf. Here lately I've been focusing on all the things I can't do, we can't do or we don't have. I'm going to start focusing on what I do have.
Going back to work has been really hard on me but I'm deciding to look at it from a different perspective. I got 2 more weeks with Teagan then I would have because of the c-section. My mom is able and willing to keep her until she reaches 3 months which means I can still nurse her during the day at lunch. She will be going to a 5 star daycare that is right down the road from me. She will be learning social skills and be in a Christian-based environment.
I've been wanting our house done. I want the walls painted, I want different furniture, I want this and I want that. Lately, I've wanted it all done and done now. I'm looking at it now as we're taking our time and when we finally do get everything done it will be exactly the way we want it and with quality materials not just any old stuff. Josh has expanded the closet in the kitchen for a ton of more storage (I love my handyman husband!) and is starting the process of putting in a built-in bookshelf in the guest room. We are currently waiting to hear from an interior decorater friend of ours to figure out how we can refigure the living room because it's awkwardly long with a lot of windows and only two decent sized "wall spaces". My husband and his dad built our TV stand, our dining room table, our bed, our night stands, Teagan's crib and Teagan's dresser/changing table. We've got a list of "to-dos" and we're tackling them one by one. I know they will get done and I will eventually love my house I just need to have patience.

I have to remind myself everyday that I am truly blessed. I need to stop focusing on what I don't have and focus on what I do have. I have an amazing husband, a beautiful and amazing baby girl, a wonderful family and great friends. I also have a house, a job, a car and can buy groceries. I work with people everyday who can't say they have half of those things.

So, from here on out I will be thankful.

Psalm 69:30 "I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving."

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