
Monday, April 19, 2010

Dinner, Whitewater and Hockey!

We finally got the two babies together this past week! We went to On the Border with Jeana and Seth and Miles! We had a great time! They have matching shirts but Teagan was too fussy to change into hers and then baby Miles was asleep! Maybe next time!

We also went to the Whitewater Center to meet up with Becca and Riley! We tried out Teagan's jogging stroller...not so sure about it yet...

Teagan isn't allowed to watch TV yet. (This is out personal decision and we don't try to push it on other people.) We do allow her to watch sports because they don't have all of the flashy lights, etc. so she sat down and watched the hockey game with her daddy!

1 comment:

  1. Riley only watches TV when she's watching soccer with Matt :)
