
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nursing Strike...

Nursing strike. Those words make me cringe!! For those of you who chose to breastfeed you might have experienced this before. Let me just tell you that it is beyond frustrating for those of you who haven't.
A nursing strike is when your baby just doesn't want to nurse and will sometimes either not eat or won't eat from you. There are multiple reasons this can happen: teething, mother eating something spicy, a cold, an ear infection, etc.
Well, Teagan is going through this right now. It started on Sunday and is still going. Apparently it is normal in babies from 3-8 mths old. I will be the first to admit it is so frustrating. Last night was rough. Josh had to come rescue both me and Teagan. I was crying because she didn't want to eat and I knew I couldn't make her but she needed to eat and I felt so awful and rejected because she didn't want to eat. It was awful. She ended up being really sleepy and after the fussing I calmed her down and swaddled her and she went to sleep. I was waiting on her to wake up and want to eat around 11 or 1 because she hadn't eaten since 3:30!! She didn't wake up to eat. She got up this morning and ate like normal but then she ate early at daycare so I didn't get to feed her at lunch like normal so I'm not sure if this is over yet or not. I hope she's over it but they say it can last up to a week...yippee...

Just in case you or somebody you know is having this problem I'm posting some links with some information on it.

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