
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Beach Baby Beach Baby!

So, we did it! We took Teagan to the beach! At four months and some change she stuck her sweet little toes in the sand for the first time! It was great! She was so good all week! We were also lucky enough to go to the beach with some of our best friends, Seth, Jeana, Miles and Addie Bear Heavner! The two babies were adorable with each other!
I wrote down what the babies did everyday so we wouldn't forget! Here is a breakdown of our week!

June 5, 2010
Packed up and all ready to go! We met up with the Heavners around 7:45am at the Chick-fila down the road and started out! We only had to stop twice. Once to feed the babies and once to gas up the cars! After we got down to the beach we unpacked and chilled out for a little while and then went out to eat and walk the pier. After we went to eat Jeana and I went outside and waited on the boys to pay and Teagan and Miles danced (of course neither of us had our cameras). After they danced with each other and their moms we all walked out on the pier! We had a blast! We saw a few sharks that they people on the pier had caught.

June 6, 2010
Teagan and Miles went to the beach and let us parents tag along. It was quite an adventure just packing up all the stuff to get there! The babies had a blast getting their toes in the sand! Also, Teagan started rice cereal! Such a big girl!

June 7, 2010
Teagan and Miles went to the intracoastal waterway! Miles played in the ocean and in the waves but Teagan was hungry and tired when we got there so I fed her and she took a nap on my chest. After Teagan woke up she played in a little watering hole area where it was warm and didn't have very many waves and LOVED it! After the beach we all went back to eat dinner but not before Miles had a bath outside and Teagan took a long one inside! After dinner we all went for a walk! They were both in such a great mood the rest of the night!!

June 8, 2010
Teagan and Miles chilled out at the beach house during the morning. Miles was coughing and had a runny nose so we waited on the Pediatrician to call back and after Jeana got the typical all you can do is "use saline spray and suck his nose" answer we headed out to Bald Head Island becuase Miles just had symptoms but wasn't actually feeling bad. To get to Bald Head we had to ride a ferry over from the mainland. Mr. Miles fell asleep on the way over but Teagan loved feeling the wind blowing through her "hair". She giggled most of the way there and then fell asleep herself! Miles was up for the ride back though and loved it!

After we got to Bald Head Island we fed the babies while Josh rented a golf cart and the boys loaded it up. We tried to find something to eat where Addie Bear could come but we only found an outside ice cream/cafe thing and they stopped serving lunch 6 minutes before we got there so we all had ice cream for lunch. After lunch we rode the golf cart around the island just enjoying the weather and the sites and wishing for a few houses there to be ours! We also walked out on the beach and admired the beautiful water and shore line! None of us could believe that we were still in North Carolina! It was incredible! The babies missed it though because they were alseep. We also went to the "Old Baldy" lighthouse and looked around and took some pictures!
After we got back from Bald Head Island we cleaned up and went to the Provision Co. for seafood. It was wonderful!! Miles and Jeana watched the sunset and Teagan and I danced. After we ate we walked around a little bit we headed back to the house and fed the babies and put them to bed!

June 9, 2010
Teagan and Miles played "Under the Sea" during the morning time and Jeana and I played with and took pictures of them while the guys took care of breakfast (which they did all week!!). After the babies finished playing they both took naps and we headed to the infamous Seafood Hut in Calabash. After the Seafood Hut we headed to Barefoot landing and walked around. Teagan and Miles saw the turtles and giant fish and even rode the carousel! Miles rode the giraffe and Teagan rode a horse. Afterwards Teagan got on the giraffe with Miles (so much better then a white horse! haha!).

After the carousel we went to Joe's Crab Shack to eat and the babies bothe colored, chewed on Wade the cow & a shark and danced at the table. After Joe's we all walked around a little longer, the babies had their pictures taken with a llama (or an alpacka ?), a cowboy, talked to a lady on stilts, and in the "stocks". After the babies had enough pictures we all went back to the car and Miles gave Teagan the cutest, sloppiest kiss on the head (of course we didn't get that on camera)! Then we headed back to the house, the babies ate and then headed to bed!

June 10, 2010
Teagan and Miles went back to the beach and Seth finished a book!!! They stayed a pretty long time and had so much fun! That morning Jeana, Seth and Miles went on a morning walk!

June 11, 2010
Beach day again! Miles slept in his jogging stroller while Teagan played in the sand and then took a walk and took a nap in her jogging stroller. After Teagan woke up from her nap Mile's Aunt Joey and Uncle Matt came! It started storming and so we went back and the rest of them waited it out in the car. When we got back to the house we relaxed and took a nap and then went to the grocery store. After we got back from the grocery store the babies took a bath (SEPARATELY) and then hung out in their diapers and robes! Then it was dinner and bedtime for Teagan and Miles and his parents and Aunt Joey and Uncle Matt went for a walk!

June 12, 2010
We went to the Oak Island Lighthouse! The babies weren't able to go up in the lighthouse so we went up in shifts. After the lighthouse we grabbed a bite to eat, went to the house and then headed out to the beach! I must say that both babies love the beach! At the beach Miles asked Teagan on their first "official" date so we took Teagan back to get ready! We all went to the Provision Co. again and the babies danced, listened to music, watched the sunset over the water while the boats were coming in and then we all went to eat! The babies took naps while we ate and then we went home so the babies could eat and head to bed since the next day was pack up day...sad.

June 13, 2010

Sadly, we had to leave this day. We were all thankful for Miles' Aunt Joey and Uncle Matt for watching the babies while we cleaned up. We were all very sad to leave and were ready to go back the minute we pulled out of the driveway!

All in all I think everybody had a great time! I think the saying about how you know you're really friends when you can take a vacation together! Especially when both couples are vacationing with babies for the first time! We really loved going on vacation with Seth, Jeana, Miles and Addie Bear and can't wait to do it again!!

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