
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Built NY Comfy Bibs Giveaway!

So, as of right now we are still in the transitioning of disposable diapers to biodegradable diapers (more later) to cloth diapers for Teagan. Huggies is the only brand of disposable diapers that I will use and so I collect "points" from all things Huggies brand for their ENJOY THE RIDE rewards program. I had enough points to redeem them for a bib by a brand I was unfamiliar with so I clicked redeem points...I accidently clicked it twice. So, they sent me two. After trying it out I couldn't keep the second one for myself. I decided to do my very first "giveaway" and give the second one away. Now, the only issue is that it is pink! \

The prize: Built NY Comfy Bib (you can't buy the bib from the website but you can find it on Amazon).

The entry: Comment me your favorite teething remedy and share my blog link with just one person and let me know you did it (honor system here guys & gals). Your entry has to be completed by Friday August 12th at midnight. I will be "drawing" a random winner and will contact the winner via the blog and via e-mail.

Just for fun: here is Teagan modeling "our copy" of the prize


  1. Cute bib I would love to win
    I dint have any personal remedies yet as baby has yet to arrive. My mom says that frozen washcloths are good. I told her about your blog.
    Abbie N

  2. I haven't reached the teething stage yet with my baby, but I have heard that giving the teething child a wooden spoon or plush toy to chew on works okay. You can also offer your clean finger to suck on.
    I told my friend Nell about this giveaway and about your blog! She will probably come back to enter!
    thevanandthecart AT gmail D0t com

  3. Ok, I am commenting because I want people to know about Ethan's favorite teething toy. If I were to win I would pass the bib along to a friend who has a little girl! Who I also passed the blog information along to.

    Sohie the Giraffe ( is the best thing ever. It is sold at Bed Bath & Beyond or Buy Buy Baby and of course you can get it from Amazon. Hands down, best teething toy ever!

  4. We put our pacifiers in the freezer and give them to Emeline when she seems to be bothered. She loves it!

  5. Hi there! T.J. told me about this giveaway. We haven't yet gone through teething with our child, but we have been told that giving your baby a hard, unsweetened teething bicuits to chew on helps! I am going to tell my sister about your blog! Thanks!
    oldsockfarm at gmail d0t com
