
Friday, September 10, 2010

Outgrowing the PJs AND the clothes....

FINALLY! My sweet baby girl has done it. She has graduated (for the most part) out of her 3 month clothes...4 1/2 months after her 3 month b'day. Last night I had to throw something together for her to wear to bed because she'd outgrown all of her 3 mth sleepers and was still too small for the 6 mth is what Little Bear wore to bed last night...don't judge. I did what I could. haha.

Plus this morning a dress she wore maybe two weeks ago that fit her perfectly and hit below the knees now shows her bloomers when she stands up...that picture later!


  1. i just found you through mom's little running buddy.
    it's bittersweet isn't it? when they outgrow their clothes?
    i was just rearranging Lily's closet last night. taking out the old 6-12mths, putting in the new 12-18mths.
    it always makes me cry...

  2. Would the 6 month outfit I got still fit her? I was afraid itbwas too late! ~laura
