
Monday, September 20, 2010

Urban Munchkin give away!

About a month ago I was looking at the online goodies that the Zulily webstie was offering and stumbled across an adorable green longsleeved onesie that said "Grow". Of course I instantly clicked on it to find out who sold it along with any other little tidbit I could. Comes to find out it's made by MOM's!! These two ladies were basically fed up with the "good for you" clothes being so boring and drab and fashionably unfriendly. They decided they would come up with a line that was colorful and organinc and good for our little ones! Plus a portion of their profits go to charities focusing on children! What an incredible company! For more of their story go to their website at Urban Munchkin.

After purchasing and receiving the grow onesie I sent a big "i love you and your product" e-mail. Their product is indcredible. The material is so soft that I toted the onesie around in my pocketbook for a good week just letting people feel the fabric and see the cuteness! Teagan loves the onesie because of it's bright colors and the softness of the fabric. They e-mailed me back saying they would love to do a give away for my readers! They are generous enough to give away the Love Long Sleeve Tee from their Mandala collection!

*picture from Urban Munchkin website*

There are several ways to enter so here are your choices. After the initial entry you get extra credit (aka extra entries) for the others!

Main Entry:
Comment with your favorite "baby/kid-friendly" help the planet idea.

Extra Credit (you have to comment and let me know you did these so I can make sure your EC gets counted):
1) "follow" Teagan Tales
2) follow Urban Munchkin on Facebook
3) follow Urban Munchkin on Twitter
4) vote for Teagan Tales & comment that you did (see the brown box that says Top Baby Blogs? click it for me, please) *I'm counting on your honesty here guys*
5) follow me on Twitter

It's as simple as that! The give away will be open until October 1st. On October 1st I will do the random drawing and let you know who the lucky winner is!!


  1. My favorite 'kid friendly' help the planet idea is teaching Jordan [now that he really understands] how to recycle. He loves it and fusses when we don't do it. He is also learning that, other than being illegal, it is really bad to litter. He has even taught Alana to be careful where to put her trash. She has taken this information and ran with it...more than I wish sometimes. She LOVES picking up trash at the ballfield when we go which really makes me cringe because some of it is DISGUSTING. I'm in the process of looking for some tiny disposable gloves for them :-).

    I'm already a follower :)
    I'm 'liked' Urban Munchkin on FB
    I voted :)
    I don't tweet so those two are out!

  2. LOVE Teagans onesie! I have never heard of this brand. But I love it!

    I just became a follower of your blog!
    I became of a fan of Urban Munchkin on FB
    I voted.

    Thanks girl!

  3. I love your blog!! Teagan is super cute!
    I voted.
    I followed the blog!

  4. I did that "next blog thing" and came across your blog. I love it! Teagan is just a doll!
    I voted by clicking on the brown box.
    I am following the blog.
    I cannot wait to continue to read about Teagan growing up!

  5. My favorite baby/kid-friendly help-the-planet idea is to get kids involved in hanging up the wash to dry. Explain to your child that whenever possible, it's better to use sunlight to dry our clothes than to use the electricity required to run a clothes dryer. If kids are too small to reach the clothes line, they can be the one to carry and hand out the clothes pins. And kids love to fold laundry!
    oldsockfarm at gmail d0t com

  6. Oops, I thought I was already following your blog, but it turns out I wasn't! But I am following now!
    oldsockfarm at gmail d0t com

  7. I voted for you on Top Baby Blogs!
    oldsockfarm at gmail d0t com

  8. I like to teach kids about helping the planet by involving them in gardening. Kids usually love this, especially if they are given a little plot or section of the garden that is specially for them. Children learn environmental values through gardening, especially if they are guided in this endeavor and helped to understand the connections between living things.
    thevanandthecart AT gmail D0t com

  9. Voted for you!
    thevanandthecart AT gmail D0t com

  10. I just became a follower, too!
    thevanandthecart AT gmail D0t com
