
Friday, September 3, 2010

Yummy baby food.

*picture taken from Ella's kitchen website*

Typically I'm a baby food maker. I would rather make Teagan's baby food because I can actually see and know exactly what goes in her little system if I do it myself. Sometimes there are days where we're running low or I feel like she is eating the same old thing over and over again. Occasionally I'll use an organic Gerber fruit or veggie but trying to find the organic is like pulling teeth from a fish.
When Jeana, Miles, Teagan and I went to Babies-R-Us a month or so ago I came across Ella's Kitchen and instantly fell in love. Everything is organic. Right down to the lemon juice they use to preserve the food! The first one we (yes, we) tried was the Carrots, Apples and Parsnips. Parsnips? Really? You betcha! It was so good! Teagan has also had the Apples and Bananas and the Peaches and Bananas. She has gobbled them all up without any hesitation and I haven't minded a small taste every now and then either!

Also, the concept behind the company is really awesome. Just a dad trying to make good and healthy food for his kiddos!

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