
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The funeral of a Saint.

Today I went to the funeral of one of the most God loving women I know. Frances Martin. She was such an amazing lady. Sitting at the funeral I refused to be sad. Sure, there was that slight pain in the left side of my heart while the people around me shed tears for her but other then that my heart did not ache. I take that back. My heart did ache. It ached for her family and closest friends who are going to have a void in their lives that she filled on a regular basis. Even knowing where Frances went after she died does not take away the everyday numbness that those closest to her are going to feel. They are going to miss eating dinner with her. They are going to miss the phone calls. They are going to miss sitting next to her at church. They are going to miss her. I knew where Frances was at that moment. I knew and I was jealous. Frances went home to be with the Lord. The Lord she's loved since she was 42 years old. I have no doubt in my mind that she is whole and she is dancing in Heaven. No wheelchair scooter thing needed.
Frances was selfless and humble and caring and genuinely kind. She gave of herself without ever asking "what about me".
Pastor Mike told us during the funeral today that Frances wanted to leave two things when she left. She wanted people to remember to 1) Preach the Gospel and 2) Give yourself away.
I can only hope that in my lifetime I will be able to leave such a legacy. To be remembered as selfless, humble, caring, and genuinely kind. I selfishly want to be missed, if even for a short time. I want people to know where I am going when I die. I want people to be comforted by that fact. I want my life to make a difference here on earth.
So, I am thankful for the time I had with Frances Martin. I wish I had gotten to know her better. Her funeral today led me to hug my Mamaw even tighter.

Tomorrow is another day. What will your legacy be?


  1. everyone should hope to leave this world with such a great legacy Miss Frances.. thank you

    hoping your ache fades away...

  2. Well Rici, I didn't want to cry but I did. (even got teary again as I read this!) Totally selfish of me, b/c yes, I am going to miss her! I love knowing that b/c of Jesus dying on the cross we have the assurance of knowing where Frances is today!
    I'm with you though, when I die I want no doubts of where I will be. And I totally hope I can follow thru with Ms.Frances wisdom of #1-preaching the gospel, and #2-giving myself away.
