
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

On my lunch break I am posting the winner.

I am sitting at my desk on my lunch break and posting the winner of the Urban Munchkin give away. I used Random Name/Word Picker and it chose.....

Her "kid friendly" help the planet idea was to: Teach Jordan [now that he really understands] how to recycle. He loves it and fusses when we don't do it. He is also learning that, other than being illegal, it is really bad to litter. He has even taught Alana to be careful where to put her trash. She has taken this information and ran with it...more than I wish sometimes. She LOVES picking up trash at the ballfield when we go which really makes me cringe because some of it is DISGUSTING. I'm in the process of looking for some tiny disposable gloves for them :-).

Please send me your information so I get your prize to you!

Thank you to all who entered the contest! Look for more to come!

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