
Thursday, October 7, 2010


Remember when you were 13 and you cried to your Mom and begged her to let you stay home from school because of that huge pimple on your face ? The one that just appeared when you woke up. Well, I didn't think I would have to deal with Teagan's pimples until she reached at least 12. I was wrong. We are dealing with one giant volcanic pimple right now. It's on her EYE LID. The head of the pimple is on the UNDERSIDE of her eye lid. She had a bump come up on her eye about 3 weeks ago. At first we thought she had just hit herself in the eye (she gets a little spastic sometimes) with a toy so we watched and waited because it didn't seem to bother her and it hadn't effected her actual eyeball. After about a week it hadn't gone away so I started putting a warm compress on it (when she'd let me) thinking it might be a stye. After the third week Josh and I decided to call the doctor. We went to the doc on Monday and come to find out it's a pimple on her eye lid and the head of the pimple is on the underside of her lid. Apparently this is more common then people think. The doc gave us drops to put in her eye 3 times a day and she has been such a trooper with them. He told us to continue trying to put the warm compress on her eye and I have. He said if it doesn't pop in a few days then we have to take her to an eye doctor so they can pop it because sometimes it gets hard and won't allow itself to pop. I think we might have reached that point because she has started to rub it a lot more. The doc is supposed to call tomorrow with a referral to an eye doc. I'm kind of nervous about how this is all going to go down. How do you pop a pimple on the underside of a 8 1/2 month old's eye lid? Oh the trials of parenthood....


  1. oh my... that has got to be awful!

    I hope it goes on its own... crossing my fingers for a speedy popping... (that sounds weird :)

  2. Wow, I have never heard of that happening before. I'm sure the doc will get it all taken care of..keep us posted!
