
Monday, October 18, 2010

Tommy the Teddy Bear.

At Teagan's "school" they have a class stuffed animal vs. a class pet. The idea is to take Tommy home and with you everywhere you go over the weekend and have story time with him and then write about it to share with the class. This weekend Teagan was lucky enough to get to take Tommy home with her this weekend. Here are some of their adventures:

Teagan & Tommy the Bear
October 15-17, 2010
Teagan met a new friend on Friday. His name is Tommy the Bear. Tommy asked Ms. Haley, Ms. Alice and Ms. Judy if he could home with Teagan for the weekend and they said yes!
After Teagan and Tommy got strapped into the car Teagan told Tommy all about the weekend they were going to have. First, the hockey game (her first too) and then the pumpkin patch in the mountains, church on Sunday and then a visit with the Grandparents!
That evening Teagan’s mom changed her clothes into something warm and then gave Tommy a pair of pants to put on because it would be cold in the hockey arena. Teagan and Tommy ate a little dinner before the family got on the road. Teagan was so excited to go to her first hockey game that night and equally excited to share it with her new friend. Teagan had watched hockey on the TV with her daddy but had never seen a real. Live. Game!
Teagan and Tommy watched the game and yelled and clapped and even did the chicken dance!

During the third period Teagan and Tommy both got tired and took a little nap.

When the hockey game was over Teagan and Tommy settled into bed to get rested up for the next day when they would go to the pumpkin patch in Asheville!


Teagan and Tommy had to get up kind of early to meet up with Teagan’s boyfriend, Miles David and his parents. On the ride to Asheville, Teagan and Tommy both took a nap. When they woke up they were at Hickory Nut Farm! They got out of the car and into Miles David’s little red wagon! They bundled all up and Miles’s dad pulled them!

They looked at chickens, pigs, horses and cows!

After they looked at the animals Teagan, Tommy and Miles stopped to play a little before they went to the corn maze.

Then they all got in their carriers and decided to walk around the corn maze and pick out a pumpkin!

After they walked the corn maze and picked out their pumpkins Teagan, Tommy and Miles buckled up in their car seats and took a nap on the way to downtown Asheville. When they got to Asheville, the kids got out and walked around downtown Asheville, they played in the leaves and got some yummy food to eat. After a fun day in the mountains it was time to go home.

Teagan and Tommy snuggled in the car seat all the way home.
*this is AFTER she was taken out of the car. She was strapped in properly while riding in the car*

Teagan, Tommy and her family went to check on Grandma and Grandpa’s farm. Teagan played with her grandparents and introduced them to Tommy. Teagan showed off her daddy’s hat & they had such fun!

That night after Teagan, Tommy and Teagan’s mommy and daddy had all took a nap and had baths and had eaten dinner it was time for story time! Teagan loves to read and was super excited that Tommy had brought books with him from school!

After Teagan’s mommy read them two stories it was time to tuck Teagan and Tommy into bed. They each got kisses & hugs night night and were sent to bed with prayers of sweet dreams.
Teagan had such a good weekend with her new friend Tommy! She can’t wait to hear about the adventures her friends have with him soon!

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