
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This is why I run.

Will you help find a cure? Will you donate to my half marathon fundraiser?  The whole point of my training and running the race on December 11th is to raise money to help find a cure for SMA.  So, I am asking you to do what Josh and I have done.  We took $10 that would have gone to Teagan's Christmas and put it towards this.  We want to teach her that Christmas isn't about the presents.  We want to teach her that Christmas is a time to help those who need us.  What better way to explain giving to those in need then at Christmas time? What better way to show it then to help children who could die without a cure?  A cure that could come SOON with money to research the cure.  What will you do? Will you help and donate? Even if you don't donate to my run (which the money goes to Sophia's Cure, Inc) please donate to something this year.

Here is the website to donate. ( Crowdrise )  All it takes is $10.  My goal is to raise $1000 by December 10th.  My goal is to raise $1000 towards the research of a cure for SMA.  Will you help me?


  1. Hi--I found your blog via a Crowdrise retweet. I applaud your dedication to raising funds for Sophia's Cure! What is your association with SMA?

  2. I meant to do this a while ago... bookmarked it and everything. I glad you reminded me (us).

  3. Cass- honestly, I have no direct association with SMA. I came across the Getty Owl blog and instantly felt a connection and hard tug at my heartstrings. Just a feeling like I needed to do something because Getty could have very well been Teagan or my (eventual) next baby.

    Nessa- thanks girl! I really appreciate it!
