
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Getting to know Getty Owl.

Over the last few months Getty and Teagan have been getting to know each other.  Getty's mom, Kate, and I have been doing the same.  Let me just tell you that I have grown to love this family already.
Teagan asked me a week or so ago if she could ask Getty some questions and have me type them up and put them on the blog.  She wanted to know some different things about Getty but she really wanted other people to know more about her new friend.  Teagan wanted to write a little something herself.  So, without further ramblings from her mom here is Teagan in her first blogging debut.

Hi bloggy world!

I'm Teagan.  The one my mom tends to talk about a LOT on here.  My mom "met" Getty and her family first and introduced me.  Now Getty and I are friends.  My friend Getty has a disease called SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) which is what she is "known" for around the internet.  I don't really think about that part when I think about my friend.  I think about, well, my friend Getty.  I wanted you all to get to know her too.  So, I asked my mom to type up some of my questions and Getty's mom and dad helped her answer them.  Neat questions like her favorite color and why she is called Getty "Owl".  Also some kind of important questions about SMA and what it's really like. One of these days I hope to get to see Getty in person.  I bet we'll both be wearing tutus and cuddling up with our stuffed animal owls while watching a funny cartoon together.  Because you see I love owls too.  That might be another reason why we're such good friends!
Well, I'll let you read the questions I asked and the answer she gave now.  Goodnight bloggy world!


1) Why do your mommy and daddy call you Getty "Owl"? Because when I was born, mommy thought I had a wise old soul. I didn't fuss, I didn't complain, I was happy to be here. Mommy and Daddy taught me how to "hoot" when I was two weeks old and I have been hooting ever since. I have have big blue eyes like an owl. 
2) What is your favorite color? Blue, like my eyes.
3) How many owls do you have? I have over fifty friend owls in my room. We talk all the time.
4) What is your favorite book? Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes, my mommy reads it to me every night.
5) What is your favorite thing to do with your mommy? We like to talk about all kinds of stuff.
6) What is your favorite thing to do with your daddy? We like to sing together. Daddy sings me songs all the time.
7) What is SMA? It is something I was diagnosed with when I was even smaller than I am now and it keeps my muscles from getting strong. But it also means I get lots of extra special love and attention from my mommy and daddy.
8) How do you eat exactly? Can you taste stuff? I get to eat through a tube in my tummy. Mommy let's me suck on fruit once in awhile and I like that.
9) How do you take a bath? Mommy and I take baths together. She holds me while I get to move my arms and legs around. I like when mommy moves me back and forth in the water, I feel like I am swimming.
10) What is your "brother" like? Cooper is always around making sure I am safe and happy. He licks my face all the time and it makes me giggle. He also likes to cuddle with me.
11) Do you have a favorite doctor? Dr. Givant, she is silly and she always makes noises with me.
12) Are you scared when you have to go to the hospital? No, not at all. All the doctors give me lots of attention and they take good care of me.
13) What kind of music do you like? I enjoy when mommy and daddy sing to me and I also like Edith Piaf. I don't know what she is singing about because it is french, but I always sing with her.
14) What do you want people to know about SMA? I want people to know that with enough money for research, it can be cured.  Even though I have SMA, I am a happy girl that loves to live every day right next to my mommy and daddy.


  1. thank you for speaking out on this disease... I was unaware until you let the light in.

  2. I'm soooo proud of both of you (Rici & Teagan) for what you're trying to do for Getty! Not only is your efforts noble, but the fact that they are from the heart makes them treasurable (Word?). Thnx for being you! Love, Dad (Papaw)

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  4. We are so thankful for your support and your dedication to fight SMA. Thank you for the interview! Hugs to you and your family. Smoochies from Getty to Teagan. Hoot hoot!
