
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Our Christmas in Pictures...

I just realized I didn't do an actual Christmas post.  We had a wonderful and laid back Christmas.  Teagan could have cared less about opening presents (even though it involved ripping paper) because he favorite "toy" of the moment is our TV cabinet.  She loves to pull out all the dvds and show them to whoever will watch her.  Josh and I tried to redirect her attention a few times to her presents and away from the TV cabinet with no avail.  Oh well, there's always next year! We had a blast anyway!
Instead of going into major detail I figured I'd just do a picture post because I've been pretty slack in the picture area lately.  And Teagan is just too darn cute in a Santa hat not to share...


  1. Love the fuzzy border on your pictures. Also, did you know you look like your mom?

  2. Thanks! I used PicNik to edit my pictures this go round!
    A lot of people say I look like my mom...sometimes I see it and sometimes I don't! I definitely take it as a compliment when I'm told that though! So, thanks!
