
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our V'day

We celebrated at home and as a family.  We only took pictures of Teagan because she was the only one feeling photogenic. 
Since it was so warm I let Teagan take her tricycle outside and play after we got home and before I started dinner. 

When Josh came home he entered the door with flowers & Flipz pretzels for me and a box of conversation hearts (so she could shake them) for Teagan.  Of course I willingly shared my stinkbug-less flowers with my Little Bear. 

Miles David called Teagan during dinner to wish her a Happy Valentine's Day.  It was so sweet! They were babblin' all over the place.  It was super cute.

We put Teagan to bed and then hung out on opposite end of the couch exhausted and not wanting to get each other sick.  I drank my milk and ate my Flipz and we both went to bed at 9.  We did fall asleep with our feet doing their sweet "foot cuddles" as usual.  Welcome to a normal night at the Reid's...

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  1. Oh my gosh... I think this is a normal night at our house too... except I have my bowl of popcorn with cheese sprinkles... Michael loves flips.

    Her tricycle is adorable!
