
Wednesday, February 23, 2011


                                                        picture via: google image search

One of my New Year's resolutions was to read more.  So far I've met my goal...the whole 1 book for the month of January...although I am almost finished with my February read so I haven't fallen off the bandwagon just yet!
I've decided to start reviewing, not summarizing, the books on the blog as a new monthly feature. Although, I should probably do this more closely to the time I actually read the book instead of a month later.  I don't have the best memory but I'll do my best this time and do better the next.
I really enjoyed the book.  There were many nights that I stayed up too late because I didn't want to put it down.  To be honest I picked Wicked because I love a good Broadway musical and Wicked has been a hit. Also, I have quite a few friends who have loved it and recommended it.
The idea behind the book is genius.  Who ever really thinks about the villian or villaness? Where they came from? What their parents were like? If they had real friends, ever? This book tells all about the wicked witches of the Wizard of Oz story; the wicked witch of the West and East.  This book is written as "the other side" of the story of Wizard of Oz.  What happens before Dorothy comes to Oz and what "really" happened.  The characters are incredible and have more depth then you would expect when you compare them to the Wizard of Oz characters.  The description of the characters was amazing and they weren't hard to visualize at all.  You almost feel like the way they are described in the book is the way they should have been in the movie. 
I was kind of taken back by some of the more sexual parts of the book.  This book is not something Teagan is going to be allowed to borrow until she is at least 17. 
If you don't mind the occasional "adult scenes" then this is a good book overall. I would absolutely recommend it to a friend but it's not something my mom is going to read.  I would probably give this book a 3 1/2 out of 5.   

Next up: Barbie & Ruth. 


  1. I liked this book a lot... I have the Witch's Son in a combo deal - but I haven't read it.

    Reading was one of my goals for the new year too.

  2. I found your blog through topbabyblogs and your little girl is soo beautiful!!

  3. Nessa- I have the combo book as well but I haven't read the other one either. Let me know when you do and we'll read it together!

    Diana- thanks for stopping by!!
