
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Chocolate Face

On Saturday we treated Teagan to her first taste of ice cream.  She ate an entire children's portion. And loved it.

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  1. so Eva had her 1st taste of ice cream a long time ago... and is it bad that I know just from the color that you went to Ben and Jerry's??

  2. I think it is hilarious that you know where we went just by the color of the ice cream! haha!

  3. Matilda tasted ice cream for the first time on Saturday, too! Actually, she tasted our milkshakes. She couldn't decide whether she liked Oreo or chocolate the best--so she just went back and forth!

  4. Tara I think our girls have hit just about every "milestone" at the same time or within days of each other. It must be that birthday of theirs. ;-)
