
Monday, March 7, 2011

February's Book review.

*picture via Google Image Search *

For February I teetered off the path of my reading list when I wandered through my local library's jungle of books.  I have a really bad habit of going into the library for the soul purpose of one book and coming out with at least 5.  I'm quite naive in thinking I can read that many in the time it takes to return them and I usually end up with a late fee. Like this time. Ooops. *sidenote, I can consider it helping out the public libraries funding, right?*

Anyway, February's book was "Barbie & Ruth" by Robin Gerber.  I'm not really sure why the book caught my eye amidst all the other books that happened to be in line on that aisle in the library but it did.  Perhaps because I've been wondering about the affect of Barbie on young girls and how that is going to play into how many Barbie's Teagan has.  Anyway, that is another topic for another time.

The book was a good read.  I never really knew the history behind Barbie.  I just knew she has been around for a very long time and that I played with them a lot when I was a little girl.  This book shows the story of how Ruth (the creator of Barbie, named after her daughter, Barbara) took on the world and showed the toy industry how a woman could take control and know what she was doing.  Ruth was a take names, expect perfection and nothing less from anybody kinda gal.  It showed how hard she worked to really make a name for herself & her husband and their company.  I found myself occasionally understanding where she was coming from and then getting angry at her thinking she needed to get her priorities in order.  This is a real "I am woman hear me roar" kind of book.  So, ladies if you need a little "you can do it" fire lit under your rear you might should read this book. 

I would give it about a 3 out of 5.  It would definitely be a good plane ride book. 

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