
Friday, March 4, 2011

I've had a lot on my mind here lately.  Life has been going in a whirlwind.  My brain is going on overdrive and to be quite honest, I wish it would stop or at least slow down for a little while.  I've lacked inspiration as of late.  Not to say I'm not in love and inspired by my love and my toddler love on a daily basis but it's, well, it's pretty hard to explain.  I don't even really know how to describe it. 
Also, the lack of posts are due to my lack of computer.  My laptop has been on the fritz but luckily my hubs has been able to fix it so that shouldn't be a problem soon!

I will wet your appetite with some upcoming things:
2 give aways!
1 book review
1 (MAYBE) What We Wore Post

I know I've been a slacker but find a little love in your heart for me and spare a vote? Thanks!!

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