
Friday, April 15, 2011

Arts & Crafts Day!

This week was Teacher Apprecition week (or at least it was at Teagan's school).  We love Teagan's teachers and of course we wanted to do something (after Matilda's mom reminded me it was this week).  We've been very blessed in finding friends in Matilda's parents and so since the girls have met we've done teacher presents together.  This time was no different.  We wanted to do something special for them that nobody else could do and so we decided they would paint flower pots and we would put flowers in them and drop them off this morning. 
The girls painted Wednesday after "school" and it was adorable! We stripped them down to nothing but diapers and let them go.  They were more interested in painting the INSIDE of the pots then the outside.  We finally got them to paint the bottom and eventually some of the outside got painted.  After about 15 minutes they were both done.  Tara did manage to get a few before, during and after pictures.  They were so cute!

Of course after they painted "the pots" (aka: themselves) we just stripped them down and tossed them in the bathtub.  They had such a good time in the bathtub.  They spashed each other, washed the paint off each other, swtiched washcloths and splashed some more.  Neither one of them wanted to get out until they hear it was time to eat and then they were okay.  Tara fixed chicken tacos and the girls loved them! Teagan and I are so thankful for good friends!

When it was time to leave Teagan didn't want to leave & Matilda didn't want her to leave.  It took us forever to get actually out the door or even to get to the car.  But Tara couldn't resist getting a few pictures. She told me Matilda stood at the door and waved forever after we had pulled out of the driveway. 

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