
Monday, April 18, 2011

I have an incredible husband that I sometimes take advantage of.  He does so many things for Teagan and I that I'm sure I don't thank him enough. 
Sunday Josh had to help out his dad and babysit the chickens (yes, Teagan's grandparents own a chicken farm. yes, there are thousands).  So, Teagan and I had to fend for ourselves.  Josh brought Teagan in to snuggle with me before he left and we both went back to sleep no problem.  It was the waking up that was the problem.  Church starts at 9am (or 11am but we typically go to the 9am).  We woke up at 8am.  I hadn't showered, Teagan needed to eat and to be quite honest I didn't have a clue as to what either of us were going to wear.  So, in true Mommy fashion, I got as ready and as put together as I could in 10 minutes (insert scarf on my head) and then quickly dressed Teagan and went down stairs to feed her.  Normally, Josh would get dressed while I got Teagan dressed and then he would feed her while I got ready. After breakfast Teagan needed a diaper change I needed to eat as well.  She got the diaper change and I got a Nutrigrain bar.  Josh will usually put her in the carseat while I gather everything we need.  It takes us 15 minutes to get to church.  We were 5 minutes late when we are usually early or on time...thanks to team work.  Needless to say there were many times during that morning and the rest of the day where I was silently thanking the Lord for giving me such an amazing husband and giving Teagan such an incredible and loving daddy.


  1. Oh I love that photo!

    I know exactly what you mean. My husband has been working a lot lately and it is the little things adding up and before you know it you are in chaos! Baby playing while I finish up dinner or shower... I have been missing those tiny breaks.

  2. First of all, great picture! Second, you are so lucky :)
