
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Make it a double

A double stroller that is...

You guessed it! Teagan is going to be a big sister in October!  We are very excited and cannot wait to start this new journey of becoming a family of four!
Here are the very basics for right now:
Yes, we were "not-not trying". Yes, we might be a little crazy.  No, we're not finding out (we don't think) the sex of the baby.  We are almost 13 weeks.  The due date is estimated at Oct 20th.  I feel great just pretty tired.  Josh has been amazing.  We think Teagan will be excited.  She already rubs my not quite there yet "belly belly".  She will be 21 months (give or take a few days) when "Baby Bear" is born.  So yes, that is 2 under 2 but just barely!  I have only gained 4 lbs and I'm still (thankfully) in my normal clothes but I don't think that is going to last much longer.

I will begin posting more about our journey in the coming weeks (maybe with a few belly pics mixed in) but for now we are just trying to spend as much time as we can with Teagan and I am trying to get as much rest as I can!  The exhaustion is even tougher the second time around when you add chasing a toddler to the mix!


  1. YAY! Two under two is hard (not gonna lie lol) BUT if I could do it again I WOULD! Congratulations! We didn't find out the sex of Zayne either....that was a little harder than having 2 so close but only because my pregnancy was so difficult. YAY AGAIN!

  2. We're sooo proud of you guys! Love you loads. Mamaw & PaPaw (x2)

  3. Congratulations!! So happy for the Reids!!!

    Teran Metcalf

  4. Congrats!
    We did the 2 under 2..we found out we were pregnant with Bryanna the day before Sophia turned 1. It's and adventure to say the least but Sophia and Bry play together now and have a 'built-in' friend, which is nice.
    Enjoy the ride! Great to see our family grow!
    Meg Romano

  5. Stopping by from the Blog Hop.

    Congrats! I love the name Teagan by the way.

    Sister Bear, so cute!


  6. Stopping over from the blog hop. Congratulations! We are expecting #2 as well (we, too, were not-not trying)!
