
Monday, June 13, 2011

If your child is anything like mine, they go through picky eating phases.  Right now, Teagan is going through a phase where she won't eat fruit. Hardly ever.  It makes me ecstatic when she takes a bite of watermelon and doesn't spit it out.  I keep telling her, "It's summer, kid! Fresh fruit is a MUST!" but with no avail. 

I have discovered she will eat anything sweet and frozen though.  I still have some fruit that I made her, when she was still eating baby food, in the freezer.  I put that in her mesh thing and she goes to town.  So, I figured, it's hot and she's got a swimming pool now so I'll just load her up with "popsicles"!

Last night I made blackberry popsicles, mango popsicles and bananacado popsicles.  Just like I would have made her baby food for the most part and then stuck them in the freezer.  I wasn't too sure if I should cook the blackberries or really how to do that so I looked it up and found the answer here.

All it said to do was mix 2 cups of blackberries (or any berry really) and 1 cup of milk then blend and freeze.  Easy as that! Just remember blackberry stains are terrible to get out and stain quickly so put a towel or something down when you're prepping and pouring into the popsicle things (or ice cube trays like I did).

I think I'll probably end up getting a set of the grown up popsicle makers as well. They are great snack for a pregnant mama during the summer!

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  1. Great thinking, mama! Aurora is going through a weird eating phase too. Some days she'll like a food and others she won't (and proceeds to throw it on the floor).


  2. Thanks girl! Yeah, Teagan will eat something one day and then the very next day or so she won't touch it. Thankfully, she hands the food to me, usually before she spits it out into her

  3. Oh man... Eva will eat fruit all day long. Now the veggies are a problem... hmm you got me thinking though.
