
Monday, June 20, 2011

Operation Bye Bye Binky

She's done it. Teagan has officially said "bye bye, binky".  Mere days before she hits the 17 month mark she did it.  I have been telling her for the last few weeks that it was going soon.  When she moved up to the big kid class it sealed the deal. 
I am so proud of her because honestly, it happens so quickly.  Even more quickly then I had planned.  I went in on Friday and asked Ms. Danielle not to give Teagan her binky unless she asked for it.  Teagan didn't take her binky at nap that day.  I figured I'd see how it went the next day for me and nap time.  She kind of cried for about 4 minutes and then she fell asleep.  That worked better then expected so I told Josh we'd give her 15 minutes that night when we put her to bed and see how it went.  After 16 minutes (4 crying, 12 whining) she went to sleep. Like normal.  Honestly, I assumed it was just a fluke and that we would get hit hard the next day when she realized what was going on.  It wasn't.  She napped Sunday without it like a champ and then bedtime came.  I was kind of dreading it.  Josh wasn't feeling well so I was in it alone.  Sunday night wasn't quite as easy as Saturday night.  Teagan pointed to the place where we kept her binky and started crying for it.  When I didn't give it to her she cried even harder.  I got kinda flustered and we didn't even say our night night prayers and I didn't say what I usually do.  After I walked out of the room my heart broke because of it.  Teagan cried for about 6 minutes and then laid down.  She started talking to herself and playing in her crib (she is so imaginative because all she has is her blanket, baby and a mirror).  After she was done playing and wanted to sleep then the real crying started.  She was tired, wanted to go to sleep but didn't have her binky.  I sat a the top of the stairs timing it.  I know she is old enough but I still hate to hear her crying it out, even for a few minutes.  After about 10 minutes she fell asleep.  I went in there to check on her, covered her back up and placed baby where she wouldn't roll onto it and headed back down stairs thanking the Lord the entire time for giving me the patience I needed.
So, she did it. No cutting the tip, no waiting a week to adjust to the nap time thing, just pretty much cold turkey.  I am a very proud Mama right now.

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  1. Good for you Rici! I bet that was hard to do - but worth it. We are ditching the clipped one next week. Bye Bye Binky.

  2. Thanks girl! Good luck with Eva and the bye bye binky! Stay strong! You can do it! I'll e-mail you my number just in case you need some moral support!
