
Friday, July 15, 2011

Bundle of Nerves

Tonight, Teagan is staying with her Mamaw and Papaw.  She has never stayed away from us.
We've always been the ones to tuck her in and say her night-night prayers with her. 
We've always been the ones to help her say "Night-Night back yard" and pull down the blinds. 
We've always been the ones to give kisses and tell her we love her to the moon and back but Jesus loves her even more. 
We've always been the one who hands her baby and puts her blanket on her and rubs her face for one last I love you. 

Tonight, that will be Mamaw & Papaw.
They will let her run around 15 minutes after she's supposed to go to bed because I said it was okay.  They will hug her and kiss her a thousand times like Mamaws & Papaws should. 
They will say her night-night prayers with her and probably tell their backyard night-night.
They will say her night-night prayers with her.
They will tell her they love her and lay her in her bed. 
They will hand baby to her and cover them both up and then rub her face one last time like Mommy does. 

 To say I'm nervous is an understatement.  I am not doubting the capability of my parents by any stretch.  Because honestly, they are where I got my tucking-in abilities!  I am just fully realizing how hard it is for me to admit that she is old enough to sleep over.  She is no longer a baby.  She is my toddler.  She is growing up so quickly that sometimes it takes my breath away. 

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  1. Oh mama... I understand completely. She will be great though.

  2. I remember Riley's first night over... what I'm dreading is the weekend (2-3 days) when I have Piper--- what will I do without my sweet Riley for 3 days!?!

    It's funny because I've never left her more than overnight, and most friends with kids her age have left theirs for a weekend, if not a week for them to go out of town or travel. I couldn't imagine 2 days without Riley, much less a week!!

    Hope to see you soon mama!!

  3. She (and you) did GREAT for the 1st night away from each other! She kept MaMaw & PaPaw in line & let us know when it was her bedtime... no questions asked. Thnx for allowing us to keep her... it was all and more than we expected, and WE LOVED IT! Dad
