
Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I have been on a blogging sabbatical not quite on purpose.  These last few weeks have been a whirlwind.  First BlogHer '11 and then a family trip to Vermont with the in-laws.  Both trips were fun but there was no rest involved.  I/we went nonstop for both trips and I ended up with a very angry body.  I learned that if your feet start to swell and your back starts to hurt that it means SLOW DOWN your pregnant self. 
I have plenty to blog about and I promise I will. Starting tomorrow.  I still have more BlogHer '11 to tell you about. Plus we just took the trip to VT and I took a ton of pictures! Even a really cute belly picture that a few of you have been asking about along with 32 week pregnancy details. HELLO, there is another baby coming out of me in eight weeks!  And my, my how Teagan has grown! I think she added a few inches while I was gone and while we were in VT! It wasn't just inches she added either! The vocabulary she has developed has been incredible.  I will leave you with this teaser: "Ice ice baby". 

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