
Friday, September 16, 2011

Dearest Baby Bear

Dearest Baby Bear,
My sweet babe, it's almost time.  As I sit here writing this my eyes fill up with tears.  I cannot believe the time to hold you is almost here.  I've been aprehensive because I don't feel like I've given you the time I did your sister. I've been running around after her because she is a bundle of energy and most days I have to feed her and bathe her and help her brush her teeth!  I've barely had time for myself but I've loved you since we found out we were being blessed with another sweet babe.  As we grow closer to your due date my heart suddenly feels like it's going to explode with love.  I long to hold you and nurse you and have you nuzzle into my neck.  I can't wait to see you for the first time and tell you how much your daddy, your sister and I all love you.
I just want you to know we are all excited to meet you and hold you and love you.  We do want you to hang on at least another week and a half though. We want you to ate least be 37 weeks please! We want to be able to take you home right away so you just take all the time you want!

Forever and Always,

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