
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dearest Baby Bear

Dearest Baby Bear,
Oh mercy, my sweet babe! We have entered the home stretch!  We are 38 weeks today and we can go at anytime now!
We have had two false alarms.  Once I thought my water was leaking and the other was just the other day when I started having contractions.  I didn't have any real contractions with your sister until the day she was born so I was sure you were heading out of my belly and into my arms soon.  But, my arms are empty and my belly is fully. 
I cannot wait to hold you.  I will have you on my chest and your sister on my hip.  She can't wait to meet you!  She is so excited! I'm excited and your daddy is excited! We all want to cover you in love and kisses!  Your sister has already agreed to help me change your diapers and give you baths. 
As I write this you are moving around and I just sit and feel and be with you.  I often try to send you love vibes, as corny as it sounds.  Occasionally I will tighten up my belly and try and "hug" you.  You always react to it but I can't wait to hug you with my arms and not my belly.
It won't be too much longer! As anxious as I am to have you in my arms I would never wish you to come before YOU are ready. 

Forever & Always,

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! You are so close!! I just found and started following your blog and am passing a little blog award onto you.
