
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's the little things.

The more time I get to have as a mommy the more important the little things become to me.  In the next few weeks it will no longer be just Teagan, Josh and I. It will no longer be just Teagan and I.  There will be a new addition.  A new blessing. A new piece to my heart.
These last few weeks I have tried and am trying to make it a point to snuggle Teagan more and savor the just me and her time because that time grows short and I will soon have to make it a point to find that time. 
The other night we had a string of Fall storms that had the personality of a good NC summer storm.  When I got home with Teagan the storm had cleared and there was a warm steady rain coming down.  The kind you dance in with your high school sweet heart and steal a kiss.  The kind that helps you feel that sense of release when you run in it.  The kind where you dance and twirl and puddle jump with your sweet toddler babe. No shoes required. 
Dancing and twirling and puddle jumping barefoot was exactly what Teagan and I did while Josh watched and smiled.  I think he watched and then went inside to start dinner because he knew Teagan and I needed that.  I thought for a second to have him get the camera and capture the moment but then I decided against it.  This was one of those moments in time that didn't need a camera to catch how special it was.  My sweet girl had a smile plastered on her face.  Her pants and shirt and hair were soaked and mine were equally wet.  It was amazing.  It was just the two of us.  The rest of the world had disappeared into the background.  It's a moment that I won't soon forget.

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful. I still dance in the rain with my 8 yr old (who is the middle child, so saying yes and having it be just us is important to her), so know that these special times may become infrequent when the new baby arrives, but they certainly won't stop. They'll just get sweeter.
