
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Constipation or growth spurt?

So, Kyra is going on day two of no poop.  Oddly enough she doesn't seem bothered by it. She is peeing regularly and eating regularly and even passing gas.  I wonder if she is in the middle of a growth spurt and she is burning it off?  If she doesn't poop by tomorrow I will be making a nurse call.


  1. Try having her drink some warm water.

  2. Oh Eva did this a few times when she was little. One time for 6 days. As long as she is wetting diapers and eating they said she was fine. Breast milk can be completely digested if they need it all... so it probably is a growth spurt.

  3. Jacob did this a couple of times in the beginning also for like 6 days...doc said it was "normal" and that sometimes it's genuine constipation, and sometimes they just don't "push" I took his temperature the un-fun way way I had to keep shoving diapers under him because he filled 4!! of them!....He was a very smiley baby afterwards lol

  4. Thanks ladies! It's good to know it's not just us! Teagan never did this. Funny how different each child can be!

  5. Glad to know the thermometer trick (even if taking the temp. was necessary lol) worked!
