
Saturday, November 26, 2011


Thanksgiving this year was a total blur. I'm learning quickly that a lot of days are like that when you have a one month old and a 22 month old.  It was a happy blur at least.  I took no pictures but it was one of those days where it was okay.  I was just happy enjoying the company of family, some of whom we don't see that often. 
Josh and I are lucky enough to have parents that genuinely get along with each other.  So, Thanksgiving for our families is quite easy.  We rotate. Every year it's either at our house, my parent's house or Josh's parent's house.  This year it was at Josh's parents house.  His mom is the kinda lady who can do everything. Literally. The woman made my wedding dress. Enough said.  So, the food was amazing but it wasn't the best part.  The best part was seeing Teagan running around being loved on by everybody and having Kyra be passed from loving arm to loving arm.  There were times when my arms were empty but my heart was about to burst.  We are so blessed with two amazing little girls but even more so with a family who loves them more then they'll ever know. 

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