
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dearest Teagan.

Dearest Teagan,
My sweet sweet Little Bear.  You will be 2 in thirteen days.  I can barely breathe when I think about it.  I looked at pictures of your last almost two years the other day and basically sobbed my heart out.  It's all happening so fast.  Just like they said it would.  Everybody told me it would fly by and that I should cherish every single thing I could.  I pray that I did but I fear that I didn't.  There were many times where I was distracted by chores, by dinner, by the TV, the phone or the computer.  Times where I thought it would be okay if I multi-tasked.  Now, I'm wondering to myself what did I miss?
I'm sure there were smiles that I missed.  Giggles that I would die to remember all over again.  Times where you might have reached for me and I just missed the opportunity before you got distracted.
Even though I'm sure there are times I have missed I know I've seen and will forever remember so many more things then those missed moments.  Even though there are times I missed I know without a doubt that you know how much I love you.  I see it in your eyes and your smile when I pick your sleepy head up out of your bed in the mornings.  I hear it in your voice as you call out to me for whatever reason.  Being sure that you know my love for  you makes it all right. It makes it all worth while.  It makes everything else fade away. 

Forever and Always,

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