
Monday, January 9, 2012

Teagan's Aunt Livy.

I happen to be one of the lucky few who married into a family of super smart, talented and geuinely kind people.  I actually ENJOY being around my in-laws. 
Josh's youngest sister, Livy is making top grades in the Nursing program at CAROLINA. Hello, girl is smart as a whip and plans on doing good with it.  She wants to be a Midwife.  Too bad it will be a few years too late...Anyway, I digress.  Every year she's been at Carolina she has participated in the Dance Marathon that benefits the N.C. Children's hospital.  This year is no different.  I know times are tough but if you're feeling generous here is the link to her donation page

And just in case you are feeling generous and's a little Teagan-Aunt Livy adorableness as a thank you!

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