
Friday, February 17, 2012

Feature of a Favorite Friday: Jen from Rella's Bellas

So, I am going to TRY and stick with this ya'll.  I have so many talented friends and bloggers that it would be a shame not to share some of my favorites with you.  I am going to start doing a "Feature of a Favorite Friday" every week. Or at least I'm going to try!
Our first lovely lady is Jen from Rella's Bella's.  We met at BlogHer '11 and just kind of clicked...we even dressed a like a few times...

(Jen is on the right, my other BlogHer '11 friend is Jessica you'll meet her later!)

Hi! I am Jen, or Rella. Rella is a nickname my besties gave me,7 years later it has stuck! I'm a dreamer, a coffee lover, a cupcake addict, a navy wife, a child of Christ, mama to my baby Khloe {fur baby} and I am positively obsessed with accessories! Earrings, belts, necklaces, hair baubles— I can't get enough! I started making handmade accessories to showcase my creativity, and because I feel that the right accessories have the ability to take an every-day outfit to the next level, it seemed only fitting for this to be my main focus. I can best describe myself and my shop as spunk, sass and a hint of class!  I specialize in creating accessories that transform a “Plain Jane” outfit into a sassy and chic ensemble. I love wearing handmade not only because each piece tells its own story, but also because I know that someone has put their heart & soul into every aspect of the product’s existence.

My husband and I are on a wild ride with the United States Navy. We will be moving sometime this summer but don’t know where our new home will be. I quit my corporate gig this past July to focus more on our marriage, and dabble in a few of my dreams. Opening my etsy shop was one of those dreams. It is most definitely a work in progress but it makes me happy and really pushes me to explore my creativity. The Lord has really spoken to me in the last year; he is working in my heart to be a better wife, friend and woman in Christ. My belief is if we all really focus on our gifts and talents we can make this world a better place. My hope is that every time my husband and I move we have made our city just a little bit better.

I blog at I write about anything and everything. Some posts are light hearted and fun and with some I am spilling my heart out for the world to read. Getting my feelings out on “paper” is sometimes the best and cheapest therapy! I love fashion but am by no means a fashion blogger, maybe one day. For now I just have fun putting together fun and funky outfits and sharing them with my readers.   My blog was originally started to keep in touch with family after Scott proposed in March of 2009. Over time it evolved to a place that has allowed me to meet so many wonderful bloggy friends online and in real life!  I also write for various military spouse/support website sites and am currently working on starting my own website Navy Wives Unite.

 I hope you’ll come on over and join me in this crazy thing called life!

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