
Friday, February 10, 2012

Five Question Friday

Joining in with Carrie With Children  and My Little Life for Five Question Fridays!

How often do you shave your legs in the winter? Usually 2-3 times a week. Usually.

Valentine's Day cards for your spouse: Funny or romantic? I get at least one of both! Sometimes I get several of each...I could spend hours in the Hallmark store people.

What are you most looking forward to about spring? Taking Kyra outside to play with Teagan! She will be a more "mobile" baby by then! This spring and summer are going to be a blast!

What's your favorite way to pamper yourself? I LOVE getting my haircut. Mainly for the wash part of it.  There is something about the way a stylist digs into my scalp that practically makes me go limp. And a massage...I love a massage.

Does you tax return go into savings or do you spend it instantly? We typically use it to pay off debt or at least part of our debt...this year hospital bills (birthing a baby isn't cheap! haha!)

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