
Friday, April 13, 2012

Feature of a Favorite Friday.

I had this post planned for 3 weeks ago.  But the hurricane called life smacked us with a category 4 1/2 and posting hasn't happened a lot.  For that I apologize.  We are all well.  No worries, y'all. 

Anyway, I am proud to introduce you to the company, to the sisters, to my friends whose button you've seen to the right of my blog content for a while.  These girls and I met via a contest I won and then Amanda & I clicked and even became "real life" friends a little while later.  Her sister Jayme is equally as sweet as Amanda and I hope we will all three be able to get together soon, with our little girls in tow!

Be sure to go check out their blog and their Etsy shop.  All three of us Reid ladies have clothes from their amazing online vintage store!!

Without further ado...I will let them tell you a little about themselves.

Miskabelle was founded in May 2009,although it was a brainchild of ours years and years ago before we had the gumption to actually do it. Fashion has always interested us (we played with Barbies until almost our teens!) and our close friendship as sisters made it easy to become business partners. 
Drawing on our creative strengths in art, writing, design, and style, we put together our own vintage fashion shop on Etsy (which has now spread into a fashion blog and more!).  Jayme lives in Pennsylvania and Amanda in Virginia—which is great for finding a wide range of merchandise for the shops, but it also can be a challenge (and we miss each other!).
The shop name, Miskabelle, comes from our last name (Miska) and "belle" which means"beautiful" in French--a language we both studied and loved.
We have worked really hard to perfect the Miskabelle shop—evolving/improving how we photograph the items and searching for only the most unique and noteworthy pieces to add to our inventory, and in turn we've seen our sales and number of blog readers really grow over these past three years.  The whole thing has been a dream come true--doing what you love with someone you love never feels like work.

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