
Friday, May 25, 2012

Dear Girls.

My Dearest girls,
Your actions over the last few weeks have kept me going.  Your smiles, your laughs, even your tears.  They have brought me back to reality often and pulled me away from the simplicity and monotony of auto-pilot. 
The trek up the proverbial mountain has been a long one and we're not quite to the top yet.  Tonight, I remember we are on our way to the top.  Tonight I am remembering to turn around and look at how far we've come, not focus on how much farther we have to go.  Sure, there are a few ruts and intentions in the mud where we've slid a little but there are so many more footsteps up than there are places we've fallen or slipped down.  There are times where there are four sets of footprints, sometimes two, sometimes just one.  The LORD has blessed us with each other and such amazing family and friends.  
I hope we are all able to look back on this crazy time and realize just how much we're growing during this time.  How strong we have gotten and are getting.  I pray that you both realize that your daddy and I have leaned on the Lord, more and more over the last few months and despite the trials we are clinging tight to Him.  I pray your hearts continue to grow closer to Him with every step we take.

Forever & Always,

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