
Friday, May 4, 2012

It's Friday.

I've already written this post once. Blogger you can kiss my big toe.

Anyway, life is still topsy turvy in the Reid house.

Teagan is officially allergic to amoxicillian and all the other "cillians".  Not cool.  We've basically had to pump her veins full of Benedryl for the last four days (and counting) until it works its way out of her system.  Basically, toddler zombie.

Kyra Mae had her 6 mth check up and rocked it.  I will post more on that later.  She is growing like a little weed and super healthy.  Praise the Lord.

Kyra has also thrown up her night time bottle the last two nights.  I'm not talking spit up people.  I'm talking full on the Exorcist throw up. If it happens again we're calling our on call nurse.  Not normal.  Can't be.

Our family is still climbing up Mt. Kilimanjaro but with each mile the Lord gives us a new tool to make it easier.  The peak is in sight and we're going to slide down together.  Possibly on our bellies. 

I am so thankful for the "school" Teagan and Kyra Mae go to. (Note-Teagan goes to "school" and Kyra goes to " Ms. Alice's room". Or at least that is what Teagan says.) The teachers they have and have had are amazing and we are so thankful for them. The patience they have when dealing with both of my children is incredible. We love them all dearly and are so grateful that upcoming circumstances are not going to tear them away from their current environment. The Lord truly is working it all out.

I have used my crock pot three times this week.  All meat came out so tender we looked at it and it fell apart. SO. GOOD.

My car temperature thingy read 100 this week. 1-0-0. This is NOT okay. It's freshly May in NC. This is NOT how it's supposed to be.  Can I get an 84? Please!?

I think I have figured out what theme I am doing Kyra's 1st b'day in.  Mum's the word.  Yes, it's 6 months away but what part of topsy turvy did you not get? I have to run with ideas when I get them. 

I've opened an Etsy shop.  It is just a few odds and ends of stuff I've made.  Basically, gas money and diaper money.  Please visit if you've got a chance.  There are only a few things listed but I do custom orders as well. 

There were two awful things that happened this week around the blogshpere.  Diana, from Hormonal Imbalances, lost her two sweet twin boys this week.  They were 19 weeks and 4 days.  Please go read about her story. 
Avery, from Avery Can, also went to Heaven this week.  She was diagnosed with SMA on April 6, 2012.  Avery died from SMA complications on April 30, 2012.  I cried so much for both of these families that my shoulder's shook and my eyes were so puffy I put a cold can of soda on them so I could have visits with my clients.  Teagan's buddy, Getty, has SMA also.  We love her and we love her family.  Please visit their website and find out more about SMA and how you can raise awareness and money for research.  Another baby should NOT have to die from this.

I hope you all have had a great week.  I hope you have an even better weekend.  Eat some ice cream.  Or frozen yogurt.  Or a freezey pop! Just eat something cold and yummy cause it is stinkin' hot out there. 

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