
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

1 down. 2 to go.

We made it.  Today is the last day of class for my first semester of grad school.  It's a pretty amazing feeling but one I couldn't have come to on my own.  I have truly been blessed with a beyond supportive support system.  The people I've been blessed with have given selflessly to my journey.  To the journey my family is taking.  I have never walked more than a few steps this summer without somebody by my side, encouraging me, praying for me, hugging me, or reading over my papers!  I feel a sense of accomplishment but I cannot claim it in its entirety.  Josh has been so supportive over the last few months, he's stepped up to the plate as husband, provider, daddy and occasionally mommy.  Knowing he was in my corner and holding me up when I got weak gave me strength this entire semester.  The Lord truly blessed me with an amazing man.  My sweet girls, even though they don't know it, have given me the fire to fight through the complaining, the days where I wanted to do nothing, and the overall feeling of ignorance.  They constantly remind me of how far I've been able to come, how strong the Lord has made me and how much stronger I am today than even three years ago.  They are both always ready with a smile or a kiss or a laugh and a constant reminder that "I am Mama Bear! Hear me roar!".  My parents have always been supportive of me but they have gone above and beyond by not only supporting me but supporting my husband and my children.  They have truly proven that you never stop providing for your children.  This would be so much harder without them and their support and their love for our children.  Josh's parents have been equally loving on our sweet girls.  Any opportunity they have to gather our girls up in their arms they willingly take, even if it might be at an inconvenient time.  My girls have never been an inconvenience to either set of grandparents and I will be forever grateful.  Our church community has surround us, with love, support and prayers.  Constant prayers.  I know, that on a daily basis, somebody in our community group and our church is praying for me.  For the journey our family is on.  For my husband.  For my girls.  We've got amazing friends and family scattered all over the world and I know that in those in between moments where somebody from Exodus isn't praying for our family that those special people are.  God is so good.
This next semester is going to be pretty intense but it won't be a sprint it will be a marathon.  I am still a little apprehensive about what the course load seems to be but with a support system like the one I've been blessed with, I'm sure the breakdowns and freak outs I am sure to have will only happen every two weeks instead of every week or every day.

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