
Friday, February 1, 2013

Above the couch. Bringing the room together.

I do not love my house.  Neither does Josh.  We were young when we bought the house and jumped the gun.  Now we're stuck with it.  However, we are learning to make it work and love it a little at a time.  The recent project that we took on was a sign above our couch.  We have a strangely long and skinny living room and we're always trying to figure out how to make it more aesthetically pleasing to our eyes and the eyes of our guests.  I got this idea off of my Instagram feed (you can follow me at RiciReid) and ran with it.

What we did:

Went to our local Habitat for Humanities Restore and scouted out a used shudder door.
Brought it home and cleaned it up.
Teagan and Josh took the hardware off.
I painted the letter and hot glued it on.
Josh and I hung it.
Walah! New above the couch eye candy for $15!

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