
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It must be hard...

It must be hard being three.
A lot of moments of being misunderstood.  A lot of screaming.  A lot of crying.  A lot of changing your mind.  A lot of uncertainty.  A lot of certainty.  A lot of others not understanding that certainty.  A lot of giggles.  A lot of hugs.  A lot of kisses.  A lot of trying to change clothes.  A lot of sleeping with half of your clothes on.  A lot of new discoveries.  A lot of accidents.  A lot of boo-boos.  A lot of saying I'm sorry.  A lot of time outs.  A lot of baby doll strolling.  A lot of singing.  A lot of yelling.  A lot of squealing.  A lot of high heels.  A lot of pretending to be a mommy.  A lot of learning.  A lot of bathtub splashes.  A lot of running around like spiderman.  A lot of picking out clothes.  A lot of reading.  A lot of calling your sister "friend". A lot of "I love you, Mommy".  A lot of "I love you, Daddy".
It must be hard being three but oh, how glorious it must be at the same time.

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