
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sharing some love on Valentine's Day.

If you go to my sweet friend's blog, Miskabelle, you'll see my button and on my blog you'll see their button.  We met when I won a random entry for a gift card for their Etsy shop and it was instant connection.  We don't get to chat very much but when we do find the time in our schedules to connect there are definitely some rainbows in the sky and birds singing on the branches! I just love these two ladies!

I thought for Valentine's Day that I would show their store some love.  I wanted to share some of the goodies I've spied recently!  Feel free to beat me to the purchase button, as long as you promise to share!

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1 comment:

  1. are THE best! Happy Valentine's Day! We love you too, lady. xo
