
Wednesday, March 27, 2013


My sweet old-soul husband turns 30 today.  He hates attention but he married a woman who became a "mommy-blogger" so he knows it's coming.
I have known this sweet man since high school.  The first years of our getting to know each other would have given the Hurler a run for its money.  This includes the first year of marriage and the first years of child-raising.  But over the last two years our marriage has begun to turn into exactly what it's supposed to look like...well on it's way to the 60 or 70 years that it's supposed to be.  This sweet man has supported every whim I've chased after and held me when it came crashing down around me.  This sweet man has been there in the trenches while I was suffering with an eating disorder, major clinical depression, and life in general.  He has watched me grow and he has put me on his shoulders when I couldn't reach.  I have spent a lot of time on his shoulders.  He has allowed me to pursue my dreams, all while he sit on the back burner.  The latest one being graduate school.  He has worked with me.  Worked around me.  Worked in spite of me.  Things have gotten done and sometimes I'm not really sure how it happened.  His love for our children has grown and adapted over the last three years and most intensely over the last 16 months.  He loves our girls fiercely and I get such joy just sitting back and watching him interact with them so lovingly.  The man pushes strollers around willingly.  Enough said.  
I am so thankful for the man he is growing into.  His life ways are matching up with his old soul.  His curiosity is something I envy.  He is always learning something new, he's like a sponge.  I love this about him.  His walk with Jesus is getting stronger.  His willingness to lead our family in a Christ-like way grows every day.  I am most thankful for that. 
My sweet husband, here is to your 30 precious years of life and here is to 71 more (I want to live to be 100 so he has to live to be at least 101).  Forever and Always My Love.  Forever and Always.   

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