
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Influence, what?!

I have recently joined the Influence Network.  By recent, I mean two days ago.  They did a link up yesterday that I did not have time to participate in but decided to jump on the bandwagon a little later anyway.

They posed three questions so that the network members could get to know each other a little better.  Those questions were:

3 things about yourself: 

1- I love shoes.  I would have a room full of shoes if I could.  I love shoes of every style, color, and creed.  I love $5 shoes and I drool over $1,000 shoes.  I don't discriminate against shoes.  You should see my's pretty bad.  A whole board committed to just shoes.

2- I love to sing.  I love music.  I am constantly singing.  Whether it be making up silly songs or Bible verse songs for the girls or just lifting my voice in worship of my sweet Jesus, I love it.  I often question myself as to whether or not I am good enough, but nobody has ever asked me to stop singing or ran away, so I guess I'm not half bad. 

3- I have a planner obsession.  It's pretty bad, y'all.  I will walk the aisle at Target or WalMart and look at the planners even if I have one thinking how FUN (really? Haha) that it would be to sit down and rewrite in pretty pens everything in a new planner.  I was recently gifted an Erin Condren planner and I couldn't stop gazing at precious. So bad.

1 thing you've gained from the network: 

As I said in the intro, I've only been a member of the Influence Network for literally days.  That being said, I am super excited.  I have read through some of the forums, I've signed up for a class (yay!), and I see what some of the other members are gaining from becoming part of this online Jesus lovin' community.  I absolutely cannot wait to dive in headfirst! 

A picture of yourself that you love:

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  1. LOVE that picture. How cute are you? So glad you joined the network, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

    1. Thank you! It's part of my own personal "operation de-frump". Haha! Thank you for stopping in to say hello!

  2. You. Are. ADORABLE. So looking forward to getting to know you better on the network!

    Also, the planner thing? You and me both. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping in to say hello! And thank you for the adorable! Yes, planners are just...well, there are no words! haha!

  3. HI! I love the picture of you on the toilet. Hilarious! Also, I'm obsessed with shoes. Obsessed!

    1. Hey lady! Thanks! The toilet thing started out as a joke because I don't have a full length mirror and couldn't get the whole outfit without a little kinda stuck!

  4. So glad you joined the network, girl! Excited to get to know you better in the forums and elsewhere. Are you on Twitter? Also, I'm a singer, too. My husband and I sing a little too much, actually. Our kids have started yelling at us for doing it all the time. ;)

    1. I am on Twitter it's RiCiReid. Singing is just my worship! That is also how we're teaching the girls Bible verses as well as anything else I can make a song out of...which is usually everything! Thanks for stopping in to say hello!

  5. Love that picture of you! I love shoes and planners too. Heels are my favorite!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Yes, me standing on the toilet is kind of a running joke now, lol. Glad to meet somebody who loves shoes and planners as equally as I do!
