
Friday, March 8, 2013

Teaching Toddlers Bible Verses.

"You are the God who sees, you are the God who sees, you are the God who sees, 1 John 5:3"
"The Lord is good to all, the Lord is good to all, the Lord is good to all, Psalm 145:9"

That would be February and March's verses.  Imagine them in an annoyingly catchy can't get 'em outta your head song.  
We are teaching the girls Bible verses.  One a month.  We started it when Teagan was around 2 and a half but we let life get in the way and we were not as consistent as we needed to be.  We're back on track now and we've decided to do the same verses every year for the next year or two so that we know both girls really know them.  Because while Kyra claps to and giggles at the songs she, at 16 months, does not comprehend the words.  So, we'll do them again until she knows them.
I've also written them so they're in mine and Josh's face most of the time.  We have them hanging above the table and on door leading to our garage.      
What are some ways you're pressing the word into your kiddos?  We're all about creative ways to teach the girls the Gospel in our house, so please, share! 

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