
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Instagram. How I love me some Instagram.

I have a very nice camera.  One that I should use far more often than I do.  I did use it....before I got my iPhone.  Now, it's collecting dust (which is something I will be remedying soon hopefully) because I love me some Instagram.  Here's some of my favorites from the last few weeks.

Sweet, sweet girl. 

She made cupcakes. 

Pigtails and dump trucks. 

In the bathroom at UNCC. Loved this. 


She wanted to play dress up. Pants on head. Skirt over PJs. 

Planning for the week. 2 Paper calendars and a phone. 

Using the flavored sticks from the doctor's office as a phone. 

Reading her "babies" a book. 

Last day of class as an MSW!!

Welcoming an old friend, George my Alto Sax, back into my life!

We decorated my cap.  The girls helped!

Flower girls. Lowes. 

Graduation Day! MSW! 2013!

She's all about "cars" right now.  Anything that has wheels and moves. 

Sweet girls. Sweet ride. 

Mother's Day 2013

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1 comment:

  1. those pig tails are so cute! can't wait for my little girl!
